Need for Career Counseling

Career Counseling

Career counselling is of paramount importance as it helps students identify their strengths, choose a field that is in tune with their skills/aptitudes/personality and their career expectations. It is a continuous and comprehensive process that helps students make informed decisions for their higher education and careers.

Career counselling helps give a structure and direction to one’s life. It serves as a bridge between an individual’s thinking and their bright future. When delivered by an expert mentor, counselling can help working professionals to find out the best next move or shift in their career with a detailed execution plan for the short, medium, and long term.


Career counselling aims to help students choose a field that is in tune with their skills and their job expectations. Minu Dubey believes career counselling focuses on helping one understand one self, as well as work trends so that one can take an informed decision about career and education. It helps manage a diverse range of problems such as low concentration levels, poor time management and lack of confidence. According to her, the most valuable aspect of being a counsellor is having the opportunity to be there for clients and to listen to them carefully. Sometimes it seems so simple but can be so powerful to be heard and feel valued.

Why it is important to seek career counselling?

In today’s world where everything is changing rapidly, there are many options to choose from which greatly confuse a student. Therefore, students and parents must go for career counselling. Minu Dubey adds because I am a good listener and mentoring is in my personality, I can go for miles with my experience, management skills and understanding abilities.

After a student has completed the 12th grade, there comes a stage of very crucial decision making. 

Some students have complete clarity about their individual professional goals, and that is worth the appreciation. But, on the same land, some students find it hard to move ahead with an option that sounds apt following their skills and calibre. Not having a plan is as normal as having one. There are two sides of a coin, and they are different, but ultimately they are two sides of the same coin. In that case, our mentors, with their experience and expertise, help the students attain a clear picture of their prospectus professional life. 

An inapt career decision is capable of rectification, whereas a good decision can turn stones into pebbles. We help you choose the right course based on your interest, profile, financial scenarios, and career goals.

For the students of grades 9 to 12, our counsellors focus on personalized counselling to develop areas such as academic performance, extracurricular engagement, community service, athletic engagement, leadership opportunities, summer program plans, and so on.

Now,  you are done with your 12th standard, but where do you go? While schools have limited choices, colleges offer myriad options of courses and classes to choose from. It is a heavy task to finalize a single preference in terms of college, putting severe pressure on students. At this stage, our mentors and consultants can turn your frown up and relieve that pressure of decision-making by helping you through advice and recommendation coming directly from experience. 

How do we help?


Psychometric Test​


In-person Counselling​


Planning and Preparation

Frequently asked questions

How counselling is conducted is highly dependant on the counsellor and what works. In general, stage 1 is relationship building, stage 2 is Problem assessment, stage 3 is Goal setting, stage 4 is Counseling intervention, and stage 5 is Evaluation, termination, or referral.

At The Gen-Z Careers, our main focus relies on enabling students to rediscover their ideas, interests and analysis of various career-related pursuits. In our counselling session, we let the student open up, followed by our expert mentoring.

A normal counselling session lasts about half an hour to 60 minutes, where the counsellor listens closely to the student’s journey, thoughts, and interests followed by apt pieces of advice. At the Scholars Calling, we stand firmly by the policy of no judgement.

A good student counselling session should deliver clarity in thoughts. And thus, a reliable outcome should offer more preciseness and assurance in career choices and future endeavours.

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