Table of Contents:
- About ISI
- ISI Exam Highlights
- ISI Eligibility Criteria
- ISI Exam Pattern
- ISI Admission Test Application Fees
- ISI Syllabus
- ISI Admission Test Courses Offered
About ISI
ISI (Indian Standard Institute) is a national-level online entrance exam conducted by ISI Kolkata once a year in order to grant admission into various courses like B Stat (Hons), B. Math. (Hons), M Stat, M Math, MS (QE), M Tech (CS), M Tech (CrS), M Tech (QROR), MS (QMS), MS (LIS), PG Diplomas and Research Fellowships. The admission is made based on marks scored in the written exam and interview.
ISI Exam Highlights
Examination Name | Indian Statistical Institute Admission Test |
Commonly known as | ISI Admission Test |
ConductedBy | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
Level of Examination | Institute level |
Category of Courses | Postgraduate (PG) |
Purpose of the exam | Admissions to M.Tech programs |
Courses Offered by ISI | M. Tech (CS), MTech (QROR), M. Tech (CrS),etc |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Conducting Body | Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta |
Total No of Questions | Part 1 – 30 Questions Part 2 – 70 Questions |
Exam Level | National |
Exam Duration | 4 Hours (2 Hours per Paper) |
Official Website | www.isical.ac.in/~admission/index.html |
ISI Eligibility Criteria
For B.Stats/ B.Maths (Hons):
In order to be eligible for admission to this course, an applicant must have successfully completed 12th with English and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.
For M.Tech CrS (Cryptology & Security)/ M.Tech CS (Computer Science):
Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in Physics/ Electronic Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ IT/ CS/ Computer Application or a B. Tech/ BE or an equivalent degree such as GRAD/ AMIE/ DOEACC/ ISTE.
For M.Tech QROR (OR & Reliability, Quality):
Applicants must have completed a Master’s degree in Physics and Chemistry with Statistics at the intermediate level, OR Applicants must have completed a Master’s degree in Statistics, Maths in UG or PG, and Chemistry and Physics as required subjects OR Applicants must have completed a B. Tech or any equivalent degree.
For M.Stats/ M.Maths/ MSc in Library & Information Science/ MSc in Quality Management:
In order to be eligible for the said programme, an applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in a similar specialisation.
PGD (Agricultural and Rural Management):
A candidate must have a three/four-year Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with Mathematics/Statistics as a topic studied at least at the intermediate (10+2) level to be eligible for admission to this programme.
A 3/4-year Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline
To qualify for this programme, you must have one of the following qualifications: a three-year Bachelor’s Degree in any area with Mathematics as a subject, an equivalent B Tech/ BE degree, or other qualification (such as AMIE).
ISI Exam Pattern
Section A of the ISI admission test consists of MCQ from college-level mathematics and is required of all candidates. The question paper will be worth 30 marks, and the exam will last two hours.
Particular | Details |
Type of questions | MCQ or Descriptive |
Subject | Mathematics of UG level |
Total marks | 30 Marks |
Duration | 2 Hours |
Number of questions to attempt | It will be compulsory to attempt all the questions |
Section B consists of 70 marks of the exam covering descriptive, short-answer questions from the subjects of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, and Engineering & Technology.
Particular | Details |
Type of questions | MCQ or Descriptive |
Sections | Questions will be from 5 sections: Computer Science Engineering Mechanics Engineering Drawing Thermodynamics Electrical Engineering & Engineering and Technology |
ISI Admission Test Application Fees
General Category Male | Rs 1250/- |
General Category Female | Rs 750/- |
OBC-NCL/SC/ST/PwD/EWS) Category Candidates | Rs 625/- |
ISI Syllabus
Applicants who want to prepare well for the entrance exam should review the information provided in this part about the ISI Exam Syllabus. The ISI’s official authority will determine the ISI Exam Syllabus. Applicants may also obtain detailed information about the ISI 2022 Exam Syllabus on the university’s official website.
Applicants who wish to take the Undergraduate (UG) programme must prepare using the syllabuses specified for Class 11th and Class 12th. On the other hand, applicants who wish to apply for Postgraduate (PG) courses must prepare using the curriculum of the Undergraduate (UG) courses as determined by the government authorities.
ISI Admission Test Courses Offered
Listed below courses will be offered at various Indian Statistical Institutes (ISI) campuses based on candidates’ success in the ISI’s admission test.
- B.Statistics
- M.Statistics
- B.Maths
- M.Maths
- M.S.(LIS)
- M.S.(QMS)
- M.S.(QE)
- M.Tech.(CS)
- M.Tech.(QROR)
- Junior Research Fellowship in Mathematics
- Junior Research Fellowship in Statistics
- Junior Research Fellowship in Quantitative Economics
- Junior Research Fellowship in Quality,
- Junior Research Fellowship in Reliability and Operations Research
- Junior Research Fellowship in Computer Science
- Junior Research Fellowship in Physics
- Junior Research Fellowship in Sociology
- Junior Research Fellowship in Geology
- Junior Research Fellowship in Library and Information Science
- Junior Research Fellowship in Psychology
- Junior Research Fellowship in Linguistics
- PG Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics
- Junior Research Fellowship in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science
- PG Diploma in Computer Applications
We hope this blog will help you and provide complete guidance about the ISI Exam. If you still come across any queries regarding any of the entrance exams, contact Gen-Z Careers. The Gen-Z Careers Career Counselling team will assist and provide complete guidance regarding any specific entrance exam.