Minu ma’am has always been the most righteous, guiding and kind mentor I’ve had. I’ve known her for more than 8 years now and she has become my confidante. She kept faith in me and made me realise my potential when I was unaware of it. Though I was a lot of trouble to get but she didn’t ever give up on me. She raised me from being a timid girl to a self-resilient woman. From the day that I’ve met her till date she pushes me to be a better person and a better version of me everyday. I’m thankful for her and her presence in my life.
Her Mother
Minu ma’am has been a mentor to my daughter for more than 8 years now. She was her house mistress when I put her in school. She was there to comfort me as I parted from my daughter. Knowing that minu ma’am was there to guide her gave me peace and happiness. I can’t thank her enough for the substantial change my daughter has gone through under her guidance and support. We will ever be grateful to her.